One of the greatest difficulties in the field of renewable energies, is that of regulatory restrictions on the construction of PV systems with ground-mounted modules on agricultural areas. At the national and regional levels, in fact, we find increasingly inconsistent and unclear aspects.

Se le ultime norme statali avevano fatto pensare a un aumento di possibilità per realizzare impianti fotovoltaici su aree agricole, le regioni hanno invece introdotto previsioni di legge o regolamentari che le riducono drasticamente. È anche giusto dire che a livello nazionale sembra ci sia un chiaro cambio di direzione con il nuovo decreto-legge “Agricoltura”, destinato a dichiarare le aree agricole non idonee all’installazione di impianti fotovoltaici con moduli a terra.

If the latest state regulations had suggested an increase in the possibilities for building PV systems on agricultural areas, the regions have instead introduced legal or regulatory provisions that drastically reduce them. It is also fair to say that at the national level there seems to be a clear change of direction with the new “Agriculture” decree-law, which is intended to declare agricultural areas unsuitable for the installation of photovoltaic systems with ground-mounted modules. Here is a summary of some of the regional decisions on this issue, and with which operators in the sector will have to deal. The Lombardy Regional Council approved the Regional Environment and Climate Plan, with numerous new criteria for evaluating applications to install PV systems on agricultural areas. Among the most difficult aspects for operators in the renewables sector is that of the limits to the possibility of setting up photovoltaic systems with ground-mounted modules on agricultural areas. Instead, the Veneto region obliges producers to subjugate other hectares of land, which they have in various capacities, to agricultural use, so as to ensure that agricultural production can be preserved or started on this land, thus discouraging the implementation of photovoltaic projects. Emilia Romagna has revised the locational parameters, including a long list of similarly conditioning and restricting rules and procedures.